There are many reasons why you may have Hypertension (high blood pressure), including genetic reasons, dietary reasons, and cardiac reasons. But did you know that one of the most important (and often missed) contributors is Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA)?
The common link between Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) and Hypertension (high blood pressure) has been known for a long time, and yet we all still overlook this. There is significant literature regarding the link between the two.
More recently, an analysis of the heartBEAT study by Walia et al(1) showed an association between severe untreated OSA and resistant Hypertension. This was even whilst on blood pressure medications!
They found those with Severe OSA had a 400% higher risk of resistant hypertension. Medications often did not help, unless the OSA was treated.
The messages from this study are simple : Always think about OSA in those with hypertension, always exclude OSA first…
Key points :
• OSA is a recognized major contributor to Hypertension
• On more than 2 antihypertensives… think OSA!
• Not responding to blood pressure medications… think OSA!
• OSA increases risk of treatment-resistant hypertension by 4x
Our Adelaide sleep doctors can consult you, perform and report your sleep study, and your Adelaide sleep specialist will commence you on treatment. Give our Adelaide sleep clinic a call now.
1. Walia et al. J Clin Sleep Med. 2014;10:835-843